HSG 2020: HD in Focus, October 29-31, 2020

The Huntington Study Group is taking the early and proactive step of moving this year’s annual meeting, HSG 2020: HD IN FOCUS, to a virtual experience during October 29-31, 2020. While we will not gather together this year in-person, we have developed an interesting, novel, and innovative program that will be brought to you anywhere you are located.

We will hold a highly engaging and interactive virtual online meeting using the Intrado INXPO platform. HSG 2020 will still provide many of the same experiences you are used to — but from the safety and comfort of your home or office which includes opportunities to network and interactive poster sessions, and much more, such as:

INTERACTIVE SESSIONS – plenary presentations, panel discussions, with live Q&A sessions sharing the latest in research and treatments.

● An exciting VIRTUAL FAMILY DAY symposium for HD families to hear from HD experts and community advocates.


● Virtual NETWORKING LOUNGES to meet up with, engage and collaborate with colleagues, friends, and experts.

● A simulated EXHIBIT HALL to engage with representatives from industry and advocacy.

● An interactive POSTER PAVILION to browse accepted research abstract posters, and engage with poster presenters at scheduled times.

Redenlab will present: “Speech is a sensitive marker in premanifest Huntington’s disease: acoustic
features and their relationship to cognition and fine motor performance” and “Imaging and clinical data on swallowing function of individuals with Huntington’s disease and dysphagia”

Click here to register or learn more.

Content courtesy of Huntington Study Group

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